Program Descriptions :
Baby Gym
- 12 – 18 months
- 30 minute classes
- Structured program where gymnasts are introduced to basic movement patterns (jumping, swinging, balancing) through circuits, and activities utilizing the bars, beam, floor, tumble-track and trampoline with the assistance of their parent
- Only one parent/guardian per child is allowed on the floor
Parent & Toddler
- 18 – 24 months
- 30 minute classes
- Structured program where gymnasts are introduced to basic movement patterns (jumping, swinging, balancing) through circuits, and activities utilizing the bars, beam, floor, tumble-track and trampoline with the assistance of their parent
- Only one parent/guardian per child is allowed on the floor
Parent & Tot
- 2 – 3 years
- 45 minute classes
- Structured program where gymnasts are introduced to basic movement patterns (jumping, swinging, balancing) through circuits, and activities utilizing the bars, beam, floor, tumble-track and trampoline with the assistance of their parent
- Only one parent/guardian per child is allowed on the floor
- 3 – 4 years
- 1 hour classes
- In these classes gymnasts will learn the fun, fitness, and fundamentals of gymnastics, while mastering important life skills such as sharing, taking turns, following instructions, and building self-confidence without their parent/guardian
- Begin the level system with our foundations program
Junior Recreational
- 5 – 6 years
- 1 hour classes
- In these classes gymnasts will learn the fun, fitness, and fundamentals of gymnastics, while mastering important life skills such as sharing, taking turns, following instructions, and building self-confidence without their parent/guardian
- Continue to work the level system
- 6 years and up
- 1.25 hour classes OR 1.5 hour classes
- With a longer class, gymnasts will have more time to condition and work towards exploring skill combinations, advancing technical skills, and establishing personal goals. Each gymnast needs to master a minimum set of skills (as outlined on the testing sheets) within each level to advance to the next level.
- 8 years and up
- 1 hour classes
- Beginning with safety basics and progressing through the level system
Special Needs
- We offer classes for one on one (integrated or non-integrated) depending on the requirements
- All classes are subject to coaching availability
- For more information please inquire (call or email the office)
Xcel (competitive)
- 7 years and up
- Open testing is held in the spring with limited spaces available
- Gymnasts will participate in three invitational competitions. Parents are responsible for the meet registration fees (approximate cost per meet is $120.00). The competitions are usually held between February and May
- Gymnasts are required to purchase a club leotard, approximate cost is $160.00 and a competition warm-up jacket, approximate cost is $120.00
- There is a participating parents program (parent volunteers at club events)
Provincial Gymnastics (competitive)
- Athletes must be 9 years old to enter Provincial competitions.
- The Provincial Program is for girls who meet the requirements to compete in the Ontario Competitive Program (Levels 6-10) as determined by Gymnastics Ontario. The program is focused on the development of flexibility, strength, speed, endurance, good form, as well as technical skills and routines to prepare them to compete on vault, bars, beam and floor
- Gymnastics will participate in three qualifying competitions. Parents are responsible for the meet registration fees ( approximate cost per meet is $120.00). If athletes qualify there is the option to compete at Ontario Championships (usually held in April).
- Gymnasts are required to purchase a club leotard, approximate cost is $200.00 and a competition warm-up jacket, approximate cost is $100.00.
- There is a participating parents program (parent volunteers at club events)
Drop In Classes (Play Zone)
- 4 and under
- Our facility if full of natural lightning, colours, shapes, and surfaces! We offer a safe and fun and interactive experience. Our gym has equipment for tiny hands and feet allowing our littlest gymnasts to move and explore easily. We provide pre-set circuits and obstacle courses that allow your little one to explore the gym with you in a lightly structured environment. A supervisor is on the floor to assist and ensure safety protocols are followed. Parents/Guardians must always be within arms’ reach of their child.
Home School Drop In
Adult Drop In